
TOP CUSTOM BEASTS!! It's Time to Give Beasts Some Bite! | Hearthstone

TOP CUSTOM BEASTS!! It's Time to Give Beasts Some Bite! | Hearthstone I think Beasts as a synergy in Battlegrounds is a little lacking, so it may be time to give them more minions and more powerful minions, and some of these custom designs would be perfect!

Submit for Custom Battlegrounds Review #6:


#CustomCardReview #Battlegrounds #RegisKillbin


Custom Card Review | Hearthstone | TOP CUSTOM BEASTS!! It's Time to Give Beasts Some Bite!

Hearthstone,Saviors of Uldum,Battlegrounds,custom,custom battlegrounds,descent of dragons,custom battlegrounds cards,new battlegrounds cards,custom cards,custom heroes,battlegrounds minions,battlegrounds designs,dRAGONS,dRAGONS IN BATTLEGROUNDS,Battlegrounds Dragons,Dragons added to Battlegrounds,New Dragons,Dragon Minions,Tier 6 Dragons,Tier 5 Dragons,Dragon Synergy,Dragon Build,New Beasts,Beast Cards,Beast Expansion,Rezan,Loque,

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