729: Josh Zander makes a return visit to discuss the difference between warming up and practicing. To often we’ll hear someone on the driving range say that they don’t want to hit to many balls because they don’t want to waste their best shots before the round. RUBBISH! Besides being a great teacher, Josh is a Class A PGA Teaching Professional at Stanford University Golf Course and a member of the Golf Digest Magazine Pro Panel. He’s a two time Northern California PGA Teacher of the Year, and was voted Top100 Teacher of the Year by Golf Magazine. Learn more about Josh and his teaching philosophy at zandergolf.com
This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans #45 titled “Quickest Way to Lower Scores is to Sink More Putts!” we feature Bob Montello, a professional Tour coach with more than 5 decades of PGA instruction. More relevant to our conversation is that he’s a putting specialist! This is a valuable and entertaining replay of episode 111 originally published in January 2008. Golf Smarter Mulligans is published each Friday. Subscribe to Golf Smarter Mulligans for free wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or at YouTube.com/GolfSmarterTV.
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