Just having a Stitch With Me night and answering the Stitching Style Tag (origin unknown)
What I am working on:
Sleepy Hollow by Glendon Place www.glendonplace.net
Fabric ~ 25ct Lugana in BlackBerry by BeStitchMe www.bestitchme.com
The questions:
1) Favorite fabric
2) Hoop or Frame
3) Do you use a stand or just hold your frame
4) What is your favorite time to stitch
5) Do you use a printed paper copy of your chart or digital
6) Are you a floss licker
7) Do you hoard or buy supplies as needed
8) What is your favorite floss
9) Are you a serial starter or do you have one WIP at a time
10) Do you have more FFOs or UFOs
11)Do you watch TV while stitching
12) Do you mostly stitch alone or do you ever get together with someone to stitch
13) Do you like to experiment and alter things with your charts or do you stitch them just as written
14) Do you bobbinate floss or not
15) Do you start a project in the middle of your fabric or at the corner
16) Do you have a WIP rotation
17) Do you use a time keeper to keep track of how long it takes you to complete a project
18) Do you use the parking technique
19) Do you keep your orts
20) Do you like to have a snack or drink while stitching
Find me on Instagram:
Music: www.bensound.com
Nails: Bordeaux Glitz by ColorStreet, Stylist Amy Taylor