
AirPods Pro Clone from AliExpress - May Be Yours - GiveAway - See Description

AirPods Pro Clone from AliExpress - May Be Yours - GiveAway - See Description Some of my supporters, viewers, subscribers have been asking for this. First, I really want to thank every single one of you out there. You are the reason I am able to bring this giveaway. So, here I am with my first giveaway. That being said, there are some rules to it. For you to be entered for chance to win, You will have to:
1. Subscribe to my channel
2. Like this video
3. Comment below
4. Have address in the USA (because I do not ship outside USA. Address is required only if you win. Do not post address in comments)

All above 1 -4 rules are required. However, please share the video if you like your friends and family to be entered for the chance to win this item. Of course they will also have to follow same rule.

If you are already a subscriber, you can still be entered. You will also have to fulfill above 2-3 required rules.

As I mentioned again video as well. You will have to have address in the USA to win this AirPods Pro clone. If you are abroad and are the winner, you can pick your relative, friend, or anyone within USA to receive this item. If you can not provide me with address in the United States, I will have to choose someone else as winner. Keep in mind that there is no way for me to tell where the winner is from until you contact me when I announce. I will also try to reach the winner.

I will announce winner in 2 weeks

Any suggestions or comments and your support will be greatly appreciated.

If you can't wait until this giveaway is over, you can buy it from AliExpress:

Please also follow my instagram and facebook so you can reach me easily if you are the winner.

GiveAway item: AirPods Pro clone from AliExpress
Camera used: Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus
Editing: Adobe Premiere Elements
Thumbnail: ThumbNailMaker Android App

I am not promoting any product, brand or business by doing this video and giveaway. There is no sponsor involved in this giveaway. I am solely giving this item away on my own. I just want to give this item away as appreciation for your support.

Thank you very much.


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