
President Moon calls for strengthened system to prevent spread of COVID-19 in local communities

President Moon calls for strengthened system to prevent spread of COVID-19 in local communities 문 대통령 "지역사회 감염 대응체계 대폭강화…지역방어망 구축"

President Moon Jae-in called for a strengthened response system to prevent the spread of the virus in local communities.
During a meeting with superintenents of education boards, he also stressed the importance of personal hygiene.
Kim Min-ji has the latest from Cheong wa dae.
President Moon has called for a stronger response system to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in local communities.
South Korea on Wednesday reported 20 new cases,... with most of them in city of Daegu -- southeast of Seoul.
There is a need to establish a local defense network by strengthening the community defense system.
The president made the remarks in a meeting with the education superintendents of South Korea's 17 provinces and cities,... where they discussed quarantine measures to ensure students' safety with the spring semester due to start in the coming weeks.
The president noted that mass infections can take place in any region,... calling on education authorities not to lower their guard.
Moon stressed that the most important role of the superintendents is to protect students,... calling for more thorough disinfection at schools and preschools... and for enough supplies to be secured of face masks and hand sanitizers.
For the purchase of those items, he noted that the government has provided schools with some 21 million U.S. dollars.
Through the COVID-19 outbreak, we have to make concrete changes in school safety that can be felt by the people. Protecting students against the virus will boost trust in public education and create an educational environment people can rely on.
President Moon also called for cooperation from the public in following personal hygiene regulations... and he advised those showing suspicious symptoms to get checkups... even if they have no record of overseas travel or contact with infected patients. Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

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