What the hell is with the days? Who the hell am I? What the hell am I doing? This is super random?
If you want the animated version of this answer - checkout my intro video on my page bit.ly/OliviaDownieYouTube 💁
If you want the long-winded essay post version that I love writing so much - well here you are! 😍❤️
My name is Olivia Downie. Born in '95; I'm a trader, singer, dancer, song writer and now vlogger & blogger, who lives in Brisbane, Australia. In late 2018, I decided that I was going to start vlogging my pillage to retirement from the 9-5 through Forex (currency) trading, from Day #1 of live trading. I decided to do this through Instagram & Facebook stories, which I would later convert into these ❤️
Why did I decide to do this? Because no one had. No one (probably because they're sane - but that's not fun 💁), had recorded the day-in-day-out of the process to retirement, from the beginning. EVERY story was always speaking about this period in past tense... once they had already made it.
I saw a big problem with that; it is easy for the mind to dismiss the struggles that people speak about as less than its own, when they speak about them through past tense. You can easily feel like their struggles - albeit being described as struggles - weren't as great as yours. You can easily paint them in a beautiful light... and feel dis-empowered by that, for you can feel that you are struggling more... or that you are alone in that struggle.
Forex can be an extremely lonely path... if you choose for it to be. I wanted to change that. I wanted to give people someone that they could feel like they could relate to, and that they could also find empowerment in, through realising that "hey - she also went through that". I also wanted to ACTUALLY SHOW - that it can be done. Despite what so many love to say; you can ACTUALLY find financial independence through trading. That it genuinely does work.
It started as just trading... but then of course, we had boy drama, didn't we 😅 So yeah - that, then lead me to speak about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING - naturally 💁
At this time of writing, I am up to Day #314 - with my plan being to retire by Day #999. Since starting, we have since: gone through 4 guys (😅), lost my dog of 10 years, been through a tonne of health issues, sorted a lot of health issues, fallen ridiculously in love for the first time, had my heartbroken beyond a point I ever thought imaginable, FINALLY found true happiness in my own independence and being single, lost a lot of weight, lost a bit of sanity, made a massive fool of myself a tonne of times, gone through multiple trading courses, lost friends, made ABSOLUTELY NO improvement whatsoever with IT... and have come to know what it TRULY MEANS to give it everything you've got.
I could talk about me a lot... but there's an "About" section for that; there's also - my vlogs for that. In there, you'll hear about my goals, and my plans to speak about things I have since overcome, that others are told they never will, with the hope that doing so? Will instill hope, empowerment and aid in other's healing and also - preventing of others experiencing what I once did, such as: rape, domestic violence, abduction, anorexia, bulimia, anxiety, hypothyroidism, workplace bullying, Functional Neurological Disorder and more ❤️
I am going to receive hate on here. I am going to post things that in hindsight, have me cringing. I am going to make a fool of myself. I am going to smile in reflection. I am also going to get emotional in reflection.
But as my mother said: what this shows, is progression. That's what this is about - empowerment & progression.
I have scheduled these to upload day by day. If you wish to see me currently, checkout my Instagram: @downieolivia.
But irrespective of what you do, it is my hope, that you are better off - to some degree - for watching my content ❤️ For my ultimate goal in life? To remove as much pain as possible from this world, so that we only know pain through the eyes of relativity ❤️
Take care you stunning people and know: you are NEVER, alone ❤️
Much love, Olivia xx