Stream / Download "They Feel, They Know" by Shiva:
“TH٤Y F٤٤L, TH٤Y KN٥W”
این موزیک را تقدیم به جان باختگان حادثه دلخراش سقوط هواپیمای اوکراین و خانواده های آسیب دیده مینمایم. امید به آنکه این موزیک آرام بخش در این دوران سخت و جان گداز پیام آور صلح و همدردی من با شما باشد. با قلبی مملو از عشق شیوا
[Words translated by my father & uncle, with text that reads:]
This track is dedicated to the victims of the tragic crash of the Ukrainian flight, to their loved ones, and to all those who have been affected by it. May these sounds provide a container to process and heal during these difficult times.
I wrote this track while processing what had occurred myself. I poured my emotions and heart into this track. I hope whatever it is you are currently navigating, that this track can provide a moment of solitude and reflection.
With my Deepest Love,
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