Parliamentarians and networks of champions for adequate health financing and demographic dividend
As the meeting commence at the Bintumani hotel Freetown
The overreaching objective is to access progress achieved by 15 ECOWAS countries chad and Mauritania towards increasing domestic health financing
With remarks from representative of DG WAHO,
Chairpersons of inter parliamentarian committee,
Chairperson of network champions for adequate health financing and demographic dividend
Keynote address of the vice president of parliament of Sierra Leone.
The meeting was well represented by honorable members of ECOWAS parliament,
Honorable minister of health Sierra Leone,
Honorable chairmen of the technical commissions of the national assemblies of ECOWAS countries Mauritania and Chad,
Chairperson network of advocacy champions for adequate health financing in West Africa,
Heads of diplomatic missions in Sierra Leone,
Representative of partners
World Bank
And the Media
The meeting observes the response of the house towards the presentation
At the meeting, different health sectors were touched during the presentations as
each country representative made their presentations to the team based on what the health situation in their country looks like and what has been done so far based on the available budgets allocations,
The background and justification on the budget allocated to health by West African government
It remains insufficient in spite of the persistent advocacy made for its increase
Different representative from different countries mentioned pocket expenditures during the meeting
According to the 2018 African Union scorecard on domestic financing for health,
None of the West African countries met the April 2001 pledge by the African Union countries to allocate at least 15% of their annual budget to improve the health sector and urge donor countries to scale up support
In July 2017 the speaker of the national assembly of the 15 ECOWAS countries Chad and Mauritania came together at a high-level advocacy meeting organized in ounadugu-burkina Faso jointly by the Parliament of Burkina Faso and the West African health organization WAHO and its partners,
More update coming soon.