Todays products are pretty special!
Check them out and support!
The Cups from @InspiredbyyouCustoms
The Pancakes from @Vickycakespancakemix
The Dime jewelry from @LNKSnaps on Instagram
The Tab Doll and Doggie toys @mysweetinspirationz
My t-shirt is available to order from the link in my bio or here: www-iam-tabitha-Brown.myshopify.com
Thank you all for tuning in! if you would like to see your product on Very Good Mondays, please send them to the address :
20555 Devonshire st #226
Chatsworth ca 91311
Thank you,
Tab & Choyce
#CrueltyFree #VeryGoodMondays #TabithaBrown #ChoyceBrown #BlackyBrown #vegan #plantbased