
SUPER TUESDAY Battle Preview: Biden and Bernie spar over revolutionary politics

SUPER TUESDAY Battle Preview: Biden and Bernie spar over revolutionary politics In a preview of today's Super Tuesday primaries, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders battle each other over what Democratic primary voters are really looking for.

Biden told CNN: "My message is people are not looking for revolution. They're looking for results. I have the most extensive successful record of getting big things done and big things passed. And a the next president of the United States on day one is going to have to stand before the world, know the leaders around the world and know they know him. Put back together the significant allies we have had that are just, Trump is just trashing. Have a military commander who understands and supports our troops as well as reunite this country and i think there are things I've done my whole career."

Sanders told CNN: "If Biden thinks it's a revolution to do what every other major country on earth does and guarantee to all people ... if he thinks it's revolutionary to tell the pharmaceutical industry they can't charge us ten times more for the same drugs they sell in Canada or Europe. If he thinks it's revolutionary that we stand up to the fossil fuel industry to try to change our climate policy and protect this planet, I don't think that's revolutionary. I think that's exactly what the American people want and that is exactly what we have to do."

Bernie Sanders,Joe Biden,Super Tuesday,Revolution,prirmary,voting,results,Democrats,Progressive,Revolutionary,Power to the people,Super Tuesday preview,Mano a mano,Bernie Vs. Biden,Sanders vs. Biden,Voting,Polls,

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