
Stephen Hawking - Time Traveller's Party | Parallel Universe | Wormhole | Time Machine

Stephen Hawking - Time Traveller's Party | Parallel Universe | Wormhole | Time Machine What Happened When Stephen Hawking Threw a Cocktail Party for Time Travellers ?
On June 28, 2009, Stephen Hawking sat alone in a college at the University of Cambridge and waited for party guests to arrive. He waited patiently for his guests, but not one of them showed up. If people had shown up, he hypothesized, it would be proof that time travel is real. Since people didn’t show up, time travel is not real, probably.

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Stephen Hawking Time Travel Party,Parallel Universe,Wormhole,Time Machine,black holes,Stephen Hawking,Time Travel,Party for future time traveller,Viral video,Tech video,Science video,time dilation,time dimension,Albert Einstein,einstein relativity theory,einstein equation e=mc2,Trending,

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