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Readings are uploaded according to the most liked video of the previous series.
This love reading is to guide and help you in your path.
Intentions, prayers and pre shuffles were all done off camera to save time.
Deck: Crystal Visions Tarot
This is a general reading and will not resonate with all, take what resonates and leave the rest.
To get maximum resonance with ex love reading series here are some tips and things to take to heart and mind:
1. You are curious and interested about your ex, distant and or past ex. Either you feel their energy such as dreams, signs, synchronicities, etc. If you are not interested. I advise you not to watch the video.
2. Your ex is someone you had a connection with, not a stranger on train, a one night stand, a short fling, someone you've exchange emotional and physical contact with.
3. If you are watching the video to see if your ex is miserable but low key want your ex back, I will pick up on your energy, also your ex will pick it up, even if they don't believe and watch Tarot, energy is energy you guys and it will all come through the readings. I strongly urge you to stay away from that, especially for those who been wanting to hear from their ex.
4. If you are watching this video to spy on your ex and you know in your heart and mind that you've caused the breakup and just wanting to sneak back in your ex life using Tarot, I will MOST definitely pick up on that, and it will be delivered on the video. I pick up all energies I am able to tap into and messages given to me by the cards and the Universe. Please be careful because I care for everyone guys.
5. An ex is an ex for countless reasons and each relationship is different from the next. Ultimately, the messages that come through channeling are what needed to be heard for those need to hear it. If it makes you sad, stress, upset, etc. Messages might not be yours and you don't have to take it. This is a GENERAL READING. Use your own discernment and judgment in the end because you have free will.
Energies can be vice versa, when you watch the reading, it is when you are meant to hear messages for you, making it a timeless reading.
For more resonance, check you Moon, rising, Venus and Jupiter signs readings.
If you are cross watching, please keep in mind that I am delivering and reading for the sign mentioned and that the messages are what they need to hear for clarity, confirmation and guidance.
It may or may not trigger on your end, when you view your sign, I will deliver and read on your end.
With those being said, please be advised :)
This video is for entertainment and should not replace the viewer's own decision.
For energy positive exchange...here is the link...
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Thank you for those who liked, shared, subscribed and for those who donated to the channel, much appreciated. Many blessings.