
Primary tasks in attaining the Life Goal of the Human #2

Primary tasks in attaining the Life Goal of the Human #2 Part 2:
This video lecture continues the previous part in which we explained the sequence of the important issues of the our days Human Being. Let us emphasise the most important of it. The Apocalypse took place in the 19th century – it was a war with the use of high power nuclear type weapon or equivalent to one and led to a global planetary disaster. As a consequence our living space and surrounding Earth one was grasped by the power of the Hijacking Forces and Lucifer Force. The same Forces are ruling the Great Global Transformation of humanity representing the absolute power of our world and should be called Reigning Dominion. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend that all ancient and traditional customs, prayers, rites, rituals, spells, methods of communication and resistance are either no longer functioning or serving Reigning Dominion. To oppose the mass disinformation, deterioration and degeneration we explained the Purpose of Life of a Human and the Salvation as a process of attainment of the Life Goal of a Human. The question about the Goal of Life is fundamental and we gave the exact wording in the 1st video lecture “The Purpose of a Human’s Life as the Concept of Being” on the minute 24. To read and listen to it once again follow this link

In the 2nd part we announce and explain the first half of the primary tasks required for the attaining the Life Goal of the Human. We emphasise the necessity of introducing the control of emotions and the discipline of thoughts for those Humans who would like to achieve the synchronisation of their vibratory fields with the Light Forces of Being. The precise list of humans’ emotions causing the vibrations corresponding to the each of 3 Forces is given in this video lecture. Along with the accurate statistics on the Earth population employing the induced thoughts from the influencing them Forces in 2019-2020. We also explain the difference between intellection or ideation and cognition or conception, and how many people are capable of own thought production. This video lecture also provides unique information on the speed, strength and legerity of thoughts from all 3 Forces affecting humans within the Earth space.


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high vibrations,Purpose of life,medium vibrations,life goal,low vibrations,emotions,God,vibratory field of human,Lucifer,the Light Forces of Being,Jesus,the Hijacking Forces,Lucifer Force,Reigning Dominion,snake like entities,induced thoughts,obtrusive thoughts,vicarious thoughts,obessive thoughts,cognition,vibrations of the Creator of Being,reduction of population of Earth,population of Earth in 2020,population of Earth in 2019,production of own thoughts,

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