If it doest apply let it fly 💫
For personal readings please contact me via email staywildstarchild@outlook.com
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1 QUESTION READING (5 mins) £15
GENERAL READING with 1 question and oracle answer (15 mins) £25
LOVE READING with 2 questions. A double tarot reading spread, messages for you and other person with oracle answers (30 mins) £35
EMERGENCY READING any of the above readings + £25 (sent within 24 hours)
All readings will be sent within a week of payment via private video on youtube. Please make sure you pay in GBP and add names/questions in a message when you pay via PayPal. Add date of birth/s for LOVE READINGS. When your reading is ready you will receive a link via email
Emma ❤️
The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck
Radient Rider Waite Tarot Deck
Morgan-Greer Tarot
Angel Tarot Cards By Radleigh Valentine
Daily Guidance From Your Angels Doreen Virtue
The Romance Angels Doreen Virtue
Messages From Your Angels Doreen Virtue
Whispers Of Love Angela Hartfield
Postcards From Spirit Colette Baron-Reid
Wisdom of the Oracle Colette Baron-Reid
Energy Oracle Cards Sandra Anne Taylor
Chakra Wisdom Oracle
Fin De Siecle Kipper fortune Telling Deck
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck by Kim Krans
This reading should be viewed as "entertainment" only; it does not substitute for the consultation of medical, psychological, legal or financial professionals. This reading is not legally binding