
Being widely followed on Twitter

Being widely followed on Twitter Emma and Sadek discuss her experience as a popular social media user and the pros and cons of being Twitter `famous`:
01:55 - Gaining followers opened so many opportunities for Emma.
She is now invited to go to conferences, give interviews (like this one).
On the negative side, you feel like you need to be always active on social networks. It can take time away for people that you know personally and rather interact with people you never met. You can be called out for things that you were not even aware of before being in contact with so many people.
06:20 - Your opinion becomes so important and so tricky to express when you're followed by 60k people. So Emma has been watching how she communicates, knowing that she is read by people from different countries and cultures and also acknowledging that not everyone is going to agree with her. If people are angry at you, you need to learn not to get defensive about it, and try to understand why. There must be something right in what they are saying. If you are wrong then it's okay to admit it.
11:45 - Being categorized because of your gender, skin color or your look: It happens, and sometimes it's also your role to be conscious that life was easier for you for certain reasons, and understanding that not everybody is like you and that you should use your privileges to help others
13:15 - Expressing opinions: Emma tries not to state her opinion as a fact, she tries always to explain where an opinion comes from (which experience lead her to think this or that)
15:45 - Overall being widely followed on Twitter gave Emma a global view of who she should interact with people of different backgrounds. It took a lot of her time which has an impact on her personal relations. Finally, it also changes the relationship she has with some friends and family who want to use her influence for their own popularity.

Blog post of Emma on this topic:


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