
1st March 2020 - Money Matters The Shrewd Manager by Mwangi Theuri

1st March 2020 -  Money Matters The Shrewd Manager by Mwangi Theuri The shrewd manager Luke 16:1-13

The parable that Jesus gave was for the benefit of his disciples. There was once a rich man who had a manager.

He got reports that the manager had been taking advantage of his position by running up huge personal expenses.

So he called him in and said, ‘What’s this I hear about you? You’re fired. And I want a complete audit of your books.’ Luke 16:1-2.

It appears the rich master had absolute confidence in his manager. But one day he got a bad report.
Being guilty of mismanaging his master’s resources, the manager quickly devised a plan to ensure he would not be left poor.

He made friends with his master’s debtors ….the debtors be indebted to care for him once he lost his job.

When the master became aware of what the wicked manager had done, he commended him for his shrewdness.

Jesus acknowledges that “the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light,” meaning that unbelievers are wiser in the things of this world than believers are in the things of the world to come.

Jesus wants us to be just, righteous and trustworthy managers. Secondly, do not just use your money to secure your earthly future, use it also to secure your eternity.

What will happen when the shrewd act of the deceitful manager comes to an end. Use our Master’s resources to further His goals.

Surely, the faithful and just will employ God’s resources and wealth in building up the kingdom of God.


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