
Trump Supporters Triggered By 'Deplorable' Hunting Movie

Trump Supporters Triggered By 'Deplorable' Hunting Movie Universal is planning on releasing the movie about hunting ‘deplorables’ after all. John Iadarola, Cenk Uygur, and Lindsey Ellefson hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comments below.


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“Universal Pictures announced this week that it has decided to release “The Hunt,” a movie about liberal elites hunting “deplorables,” after all despite plans last fall to scrap the movie altogether.

“The most talked about movie of the year is one nobody’s seen yet. #TheHuntMovie opens in theaters Friday the 13th of March. #DecideForYourself,” Universal Pictures tweeted.

As previously reported, according to the Hollywood Reporter, one character asks early in the screenplay, “Did anyone see what our ratf*cker-in-chief just did?" Another character responds: "At least The Hunt's coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables."

The Hollywood Reporter described the script as such:

The script for The Hunt features the red-state characters wearing trucker hats and cowboy shirts, with one bragging about owning seven guns because it's his constitutional right. The blue-state characters — some equally adept with firearms — explain that they picked their targets because they expressed anti-choice positions or used the N-word on Twitter. "War is war," says one character after shoving a stiletto heel through the eye of a denim-clad hillbilly.”

Hosts: John Iadarola, Cenk Uygur, Lindsey Ellefson

Cast: John Iadarola, Cenk Uygur, Lindsey Ellefson


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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)

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200214__TB03TheHuntMovie,TYT,The Young Turks,Cenk Uygur,Progressive,TYT Network,Ana Kasparian,political establishment,John Iadarola,Lindsey Ellefson,deplores,a basket of deplorables,the hunt,the hunt movie,the hunt trailer,trump supporters,liberal hollywood,donald trump,maga,

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