Schumman resonance chart -
Soul origin readings ;
- ✨On this planet we are within a vessel.
There are some original human souls
But the rest of us are from other planets and realms
On planet right now there are many -incarnated aspects of arch angels and angels
-Beings from all manner of planets from many differing dimensions
-Beings from the elemental realms ( think fairies elves sprites gnomes etc)
-Beings from the mysteries realm- these beings are like Wizards ( think dr strange and Gandalf mixed together ) and they use sacred geometry and many differing types of quantum physics and energy to create - travel and exist
The majority of beings I have had the pleasure to read for have come here to see this awakening and evolution of humanity.
Some are here by accident - they didn’t realise they were going to get stuck here.
And had just stopped off to observe the planet and haven’t been able to leave in hundreds of lifetimes
Millions came here on missions to anchor in energy and shift this planet
-To awaken others
—To design and create and bring about projects to help humanity
Some came to just experience this duality experience planet
This vessel is like a costume to us
We change it in each incarnation
Up until 2017 we had been stuck on this planet continually reincarnating over and over. Stuck in a soul trap placed upon this planet by the cabal.
Now we are free to go home after this life time
Many beings feel lost and fearful about the future.
There is no need to fear.
One part of my mission is to be a way shower to those who wish to know who they are at a soul level
This is an ability I have had for a few years.
Iam a seer Innately and have been doing aura readings for over a decade now
Iam also a spiritual counsellor.
I have a background in natural medicine
All these gifts I combine to provide my clients with a beautiful heartfelt reading about who you truly are
This allows my clients to gain clarity and often confirmation about visions they’ve had of themselves.
If you would like to book in for a reading. Please inbox me via messenger here
My readings are done strictly online via email
So it’s very relaxed
and payment is done via donation.
And you do not have to be online when I do your reading
many clients choose to pay $20. While others wish to pay $80. That is up to you - it is an energy exchange And also helps me provide for my family.
I read your energy and connect to your higherself and guides via a current photograph of yourself
This allows a connection to be made
If you have any questions.
I also ask your higherself and guides for you
If this calls to you please message me ❤️
My email is : lightbeing43@yahoo.com