It was. . .Tal? No, Firouzja. Out of the heavens, a thunderous move that seemed to make the whole sky cave in.
Could a being use a hidden strength to separate the billows and quell the storm?
And then, as if from the sun, a man came into view from a tower, a gigantic rook.
Alireza Firouzja vs Nikita Vitiugov
Prague, CZE rd 4 Feb-15, 2020
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. d3 b5
7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. h3 h6 10. a4 Bb7 11. Re1 Re8 12. Nbd2
Bf8 13. Nf1 Na5 14. Bc2 c5 15. Ne3 Qd7 16. Nh2 d5 17. axb5
axb5 18. Qf3 c4 19. Nhg4 Nxg4 20. Nxg4 dxe4 21. dxe4 Qe6
22. Qg3 Kh8 23. f4 exf4 24. Bxf4 Nb3 25. Rad1 Rad8 26. e5 Nc5
27. Rxd8 Rxd8 28. Nf6 gxf6 29. Qh4 Rd3 30. Bxh6 Bxh6 31. exf6
Qxe1+ 32. Qxe1 Ne4 33. Qh4 Kh7 34. Qh5 Nd6 35. g4 Bf3 36. Qe5
Bf8 37. Kf2 Ne4+ 38. Kf1 Kg8 39. Qxb5 Rd5 40. Qb8 Rd2 41. Bxe4
Bxe4 42. h4 Bd3+ 43. Kg1 Be4 44. Kf1 Bd3+ 45. Kg1