Come say hi on my socials:
Outfit sizes
Grey set hoodie in XS and joggers in XXS
Grey set crop top in XXS and joggers in XXS
Pink set crop top in XXS and joggers in XXS
Purple bodysuit in S and joggers in XXS
Pink glittery 2piece top XS and skirt S
Pink satin mini dress in size XS
White dot midi dress size XS
Leopard bustier size S and black joggers in XS
Outerwear tracksuit black top in XS joggers XXS
Outerwear tracksuit nude top in XS joggers in XXS
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Hair care routine:
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How old are you? 20
What's your ethnicity? I'm half Indonesian and half Dutch
What camera do you use? I use the Sony A6600 with the 18-135 mm lens
What do you use to edit your videos? Filmora Wondershare
Is that your real eye color? Yes!
Got another question? I’ll answer it down below!