
Exercise Demo: Bench Hop Overs

Exercise Demo: Bench Hop Overs The bench hop over is a great exercise to activate your shoulders and abs. This exercise is also great for adding a little bit of cardio into your typical strength training workout. It is a good exercise to add to the end of your workout for a burnout, or to add in between exercises for endurance.

Those who are beginners can start with a lower surface and go slow. For more advanced individuals, going faster/longer and kicking your heels up higher may make it more challenging.

Burpees, bear crawls, and planks are exercises that also work shoulders, abs, and cardio. Good compliments or exercises to do as a superset with the bench hop over could be pushups, shoulder presses, or lateral arm raises to really burnout the shoulder muscles. You could also include them into a HIIT style workout with exercises such as squat jumps or jump rope for a equipment-limited/bodyweight option.


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