
Attempting to expose massive human crimes. I know that this country has been waging a covert war aga

Attempting to expose massive human crimes. I know that this country has been waging a covert war aga The crimes I'm trying to e pose may be compared to slavery and holocaust done by same type of people hiding in plain sight in safe havens.
I suspect many countries are involved in this network and innocent people's lives are hijacked maybe for experimentation and research to be done in them.
When I came from India in 85 I was experiencing gang stalking and street theatre. Black skinned people were stalking or staring at me and interacted with me.
Stalking is a crime. I learned that research in a unsuspecting person is legal in this country.
I suspect that I'm used as a labrat ever since I have arrived to this country. The perpetrators have trapped me by forcing me into react by giving false information over the phone when I called 411 service in 96. A black customer service rep told me she couldn't find the info. I got a bit angry at that lie. Then she said ok ok I found it.
Since then I never got a good permanent job. Even though the real reason could be something different but not my own fault.
In 93 I got a permanent job bit only in a call center where 100s of clients got angry with me over the phone. I hung around because I didn't know other options.
In 96 they started Stalking me on the streets which escalated.
After I had to quit that job in January of 1997, I didntbget a job. Them a black manager called to offer me a job in yet another call center but this tine it was in an ethnic company where I worked with other Indians.
Then that company dhutdown, suspiciously. We moved to another company Kelly broadcasting services, where I was promoted to be a supervisor.
But the management nevervenfaged with me about what is expected of me.
Then 2 weeks after 911 I was forced to leave that job again.
Since then the country has ivstryxted all the good jobsbivqualifued for and offered me all the jobs they themselves avoud, namely black environment and degrading and low paying jobs.
I tried to get state assistance and I was dealt in a nasty manner and never got a dollar but they did give me food stamps.
I tried to get free job training and they got nasty and lied to me there as well. After several years they didn't offer me the training.
Since 2002 until now I was never informed about free training. My uncle told me about me.
Also from the beginning cars were slamming into my car when I drive or even when my car was parked. This continues now.
In 2012 a white young female neighbor falsely accused me of scratching her car door. She even cursed at me confronting me outside. Police was called by her and the young officer told me to pay her without proper investigation. This was exactly similar to the manager asking me to leave Kelly briasxastibg services, after a young Hispanic girl complained that I kicked her. It was not the complete story. I was not trying to attack her. She was constantly messing up my work desk whichbwentvin for weeks. Other supervisors didn't intervene and I couldn't stop her.
So since the cop was called in me by the neighbor in 2012 I started seeing dents, bumps andcscratches in my car which continued for several years.
In 2003 I had to move with so called family because I was in bad health from hepatitis c whichbi got because of others mustskws and abdominal issue which is undiagnosed and untested sincev 92. Hepatitis c was tested in 2014.
The family was cold, harsg, careless, accusatiry, neglectful and evil ever dince.
The country never allowed me any good job or aplowed any business venture to be successful or a loan secured, they are abdvus sabotaging it all.
I went back to college in 2016 and again I was treated rudely the staff. The professors are clearly bad in teaching and support resulting in me getting c grades in 2 courses.
Sinxev2002 after unemployed the public behavior gotvrudercwith me. I noticed they spoke with everyone nicely or normally and gets liyd andvnasry with me like they don't fear tgeclawbor God.
I don't know if they are told to to do it mind controlled by nanitechnoligybir demons or both.
I hadc100s of videos on stalking where I know I'm followed everywhe re e I go and people seem to make noises around me. A Psyop progeam, terror campaign. People who look like they just got out if a jail seem ti folliw me. Most of these videos got corrupted when I moved them into a newly bought flash drive.
This seems like a hate crime. The mother continues to be evil after all that.
Familtvdobt believe what I say they believe everything opposite to the truth. That makes me realize they are deliberately ding this or are mind controlled. Because no one is that evil. It is an outside force cobtrollubgbpeiples tho7fhra and actions.
All of that may seem like fun and humor to some people becausebirs not happening to them.

All of this racial profiling and ethnic cleansing. These are hate crimes against a Muslim and an Indian person.

I know jesus hates this sort of behavior and they might lose it all, soon.


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