Transcripts of these meetings are available. Citizens should know what was said by all the meeting participants. Look to the Closed Captioning button. If you find a serious error from the system, let us know so we will try and help you fix it. This is a citizen effort and take no ownership or responsibility for the public videos.
Many of these videos will have a 15 minute delay before starting due to the operation of the operation of the city recording system. We grab the video before this is permanently trimmed off or other modifications are made. You are likely seeing the raw footage here.
The City of Sioux Falls and School District have been systemically or maliciously deleting publicly owned videos without explanation. This channel is reloading all available School plus City of Sioux Falls videos in the public interest for history, research and transparency.
Demand your city history NOT be destroyed. Contact your School Board, the City Council members and the Mayor and tell them to stop destroying our civic history.
We do not claim any copyright privileges. Share these videos freely.