
Zarzaur Law, PA TV: What Medications Are Typically Prescribed by the ER After a Car Accident?

Zarzaur Law, PA TV: What Medications Are Typically Prescribed by the ER After a Car Accident? Brought to you by Zarzaur Law, PA - Joe Zarzaur and Dr. Evan Salon discuss answer the questions about what medications are typically given to you in the ER after you have been injured in a car accident?

- Anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants are used for symptom control for soft tissue injury (strain, sprain, swelling).

Why aren't stronger pain medications given?
- Opioids are reserved for acute pain related to fracture, dislocation, direct trauma - many states (including Florida) have prescribing limitations related to opioid dependence and abuse potential

- Opioids can "mask" underlying pathology

What are the types of Anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxers given and what are the differences?

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents:  ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn), aspirin

- Acetaminophen (Tylenol) - not as much of an anti-inflammatory effect as NSAID agents.

- Muscle Relaxers - Robaxin, Flexeril

An inflammatory medication treats inflammation in the body that can come from dozens of medical conditions. Some include, arthritis, muscle injury, chronic pain, or nerve injury. Inflammation is often a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.

A muscle relaxer does exactly as it sounds. It relaxes muscles that are in spasm or chronically tight. Often you can feel the knot in the muscle that is the source of the pain.

Pain Medication Regulations -
3 day supply for acute pain. Follow up must be with a provider. Why? Anything beyond that increases chance of becoming addicted to pain medications.

Joe Zarzaur, a board certified civil trial lawyer and founder of Zarzaur Law, P.A., a Pensacola Personal Injury law firm, has created this video blog in an effort to educate the many citizens and visitors of Pensacola and Destin, Florida about their legal rights.

Joe Zarzaur knows the ins and outs of Florida law, and offers friendly-quality legal help whether you have experienced an auto accident/car wreck, have been a victim of medical malpractice or are in need of a personal injury attorney. Offices in Pensacola and Destin. Board certified in Florida and Alabama.

For more information, visit:

11 E Romana Street
Pensacola, FL 32502

Telephone: 850-444-9299
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