
#livestream What should and shouldn't be socially acceptable ? πŸ‘πŸ‘Ž

#livestream What should and shouldn't be socially acceptable ? πŸ‘πŸ‘Ž #livestream What should and shouldn't be socially acceptable ? πŸ‘πŸ‘Ž

What do you see in public regularly and you just think, please stop ! ? When was the last time you seen antisocial behaviour and what was it ? What about online antisocial behaviour, when was the last time you saw this and what was it ? What things do you wish people would stop feeling that they can't do in social situations ? What weird or wonderful thing would you make socially acceptable if you could ? What things, which don't have laws and fines against them, should have ? What do you do when faced with these situations?

#TanyaTate #SociallyAcceptable #Antisocial #PleaseStop #NotAcceptable #Acceptable #AntisocialBehaviour #DoWhatYouWant #RespectOthers #GoingLive #Breakfast #QueenTanyaTate πŸ‘‘


Do you have a topic you want to suggest for a future stream? Must be an open question that everyone has an easy for. Post your idea on the comments box.

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