In this episode I continue my hunt for alibis in town including calling random dudes I don't even know and interrogating them to find out what exact movie they were watching the night of the fire. Man when Nancy goes in, she REALLY goes in!
After this I run into some gross vandals who somehow got away with painting an entire house in red text and not being seen, even though I'm pretty sure Mei was in the house the entire time as she never leaves. Everything I've seen thus far points to ghosts really existing in this small town as a bunch of people seem to be invisible.
The episode ends with a brief appearance by the Hardy Boys being the lovable chuckle fucks that they are. We also learn that Frank appears to just make up words as I'm pretty sure 'Fakery' doesn't exist in the English language (my auto correct just proved this). All in all a productive episode but we don't seem to be any closer to figuring out what's going on.
Midnight in Salem is owned by Her Interactive. All rights belong to Her Interactive.