About the speaker
Jeff Shore was born in the Philadelphia area in 1953. His first contact with Zen Buddhism was through reading D. T. Suzuki as a teenager, then taking classes with one of Suzuki's students, Richard DeMartino. After graduate studies at the University of Hawaii (where he practiced with Robert Aitken) and Temple University in Philadelphia, in 1981 he went to Japan to live and train in the Rinzai monasteries of Myoshinji and Tofukuji. After 25 years training under Keido Fukushima, Zen master and head abbot of Tofukuji, Jeff became his lay-successor. Jeff has been leading retreats for many years throughout the States and in Europe, including the UK. He is professor of Zen in the Modern World at the Rinzai-affiliated Hanazono University in Kyoto and has authored two books: Being Without Self: Zen for the Modern World, and Zen Classics for the Modern World. His third book, Great Doubt: Practicing Zen in the World, will be published in July 2016