• The title of the web page should be your VU-ID.
• Table Generator should get the table number and table length from user and generates table of that number up to the provided length with generate button.
• It should also count even and odd values in the output & displays these counts in their respective fields.
• If user inputs value less than 1 it should not generate table but display an alert message with “Invalid Input”
• If user enters a float number then it should ignore decimal part in calculation.
• You have to make two tables with border. First table will have two table rows of and second table will have two table rows of and one table row of
• Your output should be displayed inside of 38 columns, 20 rows and colspan 2.
• Heading, tables and button should be aligned to center.
• You are required to make same design and format of output as given in below sample.
• However you can choose color scheme of your own choice (other than white) but the background color of your webpage and table should be different.